

All items are custom made to order and non-refundable. If something is damaged in shipping, you must contact me within 48 hours of ordering with photos to be eligible for a refund.

Shipping: Since all orders are custom made, time is required to fulfill your order and make it the quality you expect. Because of this, most orders can be shipped within 5-7 business days depending on the product. Please contact me if an item is needed for a specific date and we can try to accommodate as best as we can.

Please understand that once an order is shipped, the shipping times are out of our control. Again, if something is needed ASAP, please contact us to see if arrangements can be made.


Due to the customized nature of our items, we do not accept returns or exchanges. If there is an error with your order from our end, please contact us to remedy as soon as you receive your item preferably but within 3 days following receipt of your order.

Since items are made to order, all orders are ineligible for returns or exchanges.